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The Law on Radio Spectrum Resources has been included in the national legislative plan

2023-09-18 16:39:12


  Through the unremitting efforts of the radio authorities, the Radio Spectrum Resources Law has been officially included in the legislative planning of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee。This is an important step in the construction of radio management rule of law in our country。

  With the rapid development of information technology, the scope of national interests has gradually expanded and extended from traditional territory, territorial sea and airspace to space, network and electromagnetic space。Electromagnetic space security is an important part of the overall national security concept。At present, under the new situation of accelerating the popularization of various radio technology applications and increasingly scarce radio spectrum resources, the top-level design of electromagnetic space security and the overall coordination of spectrum resources in China need to be strengthened, and the top-level system design needs to be strengthened from the national legal level to meet the strategic needs of ensuring national security under the new situation。The enactment of the Law on Radio Spectrum Resources is not only an important means to alleviate the structural shortage of radio spectrum resources and optimize the allocation of radio spectrum resources, but also an urgent need to maintain national electromagnetic space security and coordinate national defense construction and economic and social development。

  In order to promote the improvement of the radio spectrum resource management system and spectrum resource coordination mechanism, ensure the safety of electromagnetic space, and activate the vitality of the spectrum market, in recent years, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been actively promoting the early legislative work of the Radio Spectrum Resources Law。The first is to carry out in-depth legislative research, focusing on the necessity of the legislation of the Radio Spectrum Resources Law, the key problems to be solved, and the main framework of the in-depth study, and improve the legislation related materials;We organized and carried out a legislative evaluation, and comprehensively assessed the necessity and feasibility of legislation。Second, on the basis of in-depth research, the draft of "Radio spectrum Resources Law" was studied and drafted, and the first draft was formed。The third is to seriously do a good job in the handling of the NPC's proposals and suggestions and the CPPCC's proposals in the field of radio legislation, reach consensus through communication and consultation, and actively promote the legislature to further attach importance to the legislative work in the field of radio。

  After the successful inclusion of the "Radio Spectrum Resources Law" in the national legislative planning, the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will pay close attention to the legislative process and submit it to the legislature for consideration when the conditions are ripe。